Altoids Mints, Wintergreen 1.76 Oz

Life is full of breathtaking moments! The last thing you need is your breath staging a mutiny. ALTOIDS Wintergreen mints are the unsung hero your mouth never knew it needed. This iconic tin of curiously strong mints is renowned for delivering a flavor wave that obliterates bad breath on the spot. Take life by the reins with a trusty tin of ALTOIDS at your fingertips. Caught in a marathon of meetings? Greet colleagues with minty freshness and a skip in your step – courtesy of ALTOIDS. Whether mingling during happy hour or embracing the magic of date night, your social adventures yearn for the minty allure found in ALTOIDS Wintergreen breath mints! Wherever you are, let ALTOIDS work its magic, ensuring the next thing out of your mouth exudes confidence – because that's the curious strength of ALTOIDS! Ready to conquer the world? Snag a tin today and watch bad breath surrender! •Contains one (1) 1.76-ounce single tin of ALTOIDS Wintergreen Breath Mints •Wintergreen adds an extra kick to these already curiously strong mints •From graduation day to your first day on the job – keep a tin of Wintergreen ALTOIDS on hand for a minty-fresh survival kit •First date? Pop some ALTOIDS breath mints and let your breath be the wingman you never knew you needed •The OG, celebrated mint – always there to save the day as your after-dinner breath's trusty sidekick